Purchase of Property Form Manner of Holding If purchasing in more than one name, please provide your preferred Manner of holding, otherwise leave blank JOINT PROPRIETORS: Each person owns an equal share of the property and, upon the death of any party, their share passes to the other owner/s; or TENANTS IN COMMON: Each person owns a share in the property as they choose, e.g.: 50/50, 60/40, 90/10. Upon the death of any party their share of the property is dealt with according to their will. Manner of holding Joint ProprietorsTenants in Common Purchaser Details Purchaser 1 Preferred Title Dr.Mr.Mrs.Ms.Miss. Full name Current address Email Telephone number Date of birth Purchaser 2 (if applicable) Preferred Title Dr.Mr.Mrs.Ms.Miss. Full name Current address Email Telephone number Date of birth Property & Purchasing Details Address of property purchased Purpose of purchase Is this purchase being made from a related party no matter how distant? Name and type of trust (if applicable) Are you a first home buyer? YesNo Are all purchasers’ Australian citizens, the holder of a permanent visa or a New Zealand citizen holding a Special Category Visa (subclass 444)? YesNo Referral source Are you intending to sell another property shortly or at the same time as this purchase? Was property purchased at auction or 3 clear business days before or after a publicly advertised auction? YesNo Contact Details of Other Sources Selling Agent Name Company Phone Email Lender/Broker Name Company Phone Email If this purchase is on behalf of an SMSF or Trust, please supply contact details for your accountant/financial advisor. Accountant / Financial Advisor Name Company Phone Email